Channel: Ruby Rose UK
Category: People & Blogs
Tags: makeupdeclutter my roomroom tour ruby rose ukorganising my roomruby rose uk skincareskincareorganising my bedroomruby rose make uptidying & organising my bedroom *clothesruby rose uk roomruby and rayleejewellery & bed area | ruby rose ukruby rosetidying my bedroomwholeecleaning my roomruby rose ukr studiosruby rose uk routineruby rose uk room tourruby rose uk shoppingrubyandrayleemake up teen
Description: In this video I bought some new storage and room decor products and tidied and organised my clothes, make up, skincare, jewellery and bed area. Hope you enjoy watching me refresh my room! Link to the shopping website that I bought my products from is in description. Don’t forget to like and subscribe ~Love You Ruby 💕#Declutter #OrganiseWithMe #RubyRoseUK #Organising #RoomDecor #SpringRefresh #Tidying Shopping Website Link ➽ ➽Subscribe to My Channel [if you’re new] ➨➨ ➽ Check out My Family Art Channel ➽➽ ⭐︎✭⭐︎✭MERCH ⭐︎✭⭐︎✭ Click here to see our @rubyandraylee store ➨Ruby and Raylee Store ➨➨ 🎶Music🎶 Epidemic Sound ✫✭✫✭SOCIAL CHANNELS✫✭✫✭ 📸Instagram: @ruby_rose_uk